
Terry Mutchler Quoted in Bloomberg

June 17, 2022

Terry Mutchler, Chair of Obermayer’s Transparency & Public Data Practice, was quoted in Bloomberg News in connection with her representation of the Democratic state Senator Katie J. Muth against the state Public School Employees Retirement Systems (PSERS).  The article, titled “Wall Street Secrets Pit $75 Billion Pension Plan Against Trustee Tasked With Protecting It,” published on June 16, 2022 offers an in-depth analysis of the case against PSERS. This is the first public pension plan in the United States ever to force one of its own board members to sue for access to pension plan records to manage the funds.

“If PSERS had done what Senator Muth is asking for five years ago, it might not be facing two federal investigations,” said Terry. She also added:

“I just want to be able to tell teachers, ‘Here’s where your hard-earned dollars went.’”